Thursday, January 24, 2008


Over the last couple of days while I've been gathering stories for the show and watching cable news and the History Channel. I've found myself tilting my head, staring at the screen (computer or T.V.) saying, really? If you read the news you've probably noticed all the talk about Global Warming. The mighty Al Gore has led the charge in convincing everyone that humans are ruining the Earth. Now I know that this is old news. His "informative" movie has been out for a while and it has now replaced most Science text books in schools. I was watching a show on the History Channel talking about Global Warming and if my Wife wasn't sleeping next to me I probably would have thrown my incandescent light bulb lamp right at the T.V. Al Gore is telling people that if you don't change your ways your grandchildren will look at you with there big eyes, crying, asking "why didn't you do anything?" According to Al Gore in 40 years Brainerd will be the next Atlantis. This guilt trip that the rich, celebrity environmentalist put the average Joe through is absurd. Has anyone ever read a text book? I didn't read many as a student, but I do remember a certain word being used in Science class. That word is cycles. The Earth is above and beyond the understanding of people, in my opinion. The Earth goes through cycles. I watched that fear mongering show about Global Warming and the next show talked about prehistoric life and how climate change ended life then. There were no cars, industry and people then and the climate changed. I could rant all day long and anyone who may be reading this is probably sick of it by now. But unlike most people I don't give a crap what some rich, Hollywood elite has to say. And when I see all this contradicting info about the climate and history I get confused, because when I'm sitting in my car and it's struggling to start because it's 10 below I just look out the window and say to myself "really?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The real "Really?", is in the question "Are we really big enough to change something as big as our earth? Really?". It is somewhat egotistical . I recently saw a report from the BBC about sun spot trends of the sun. Did everyone forgot about that thing? The SUN IS HUGE! Sun spot activity has been linked to temperature change in a convincing way. "Really?" is a good slogan for the truth movement. People need to understand the entire picture. The world won't end from our actions but it doesn't hurt to be a little environmentally conscious. Recycle, reuse and throw your trash in the trash bin.